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Exam Question MS-21-022 for MuleSoft Certified Developer (MCD) - Level 1

Exam Question MS-21-022 for MuleSoft Certified Developer (MCD) - Level 1
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This question has been asked by one of our members and a similar question could most likely be on the exam. All answers have been verified by MuleSoft certified FoMS experts.


The input array of strings is processed by the batch job that processes, filters and aggregates the values. What is the last message logged by the Logger component after the batch job completes processing?


A) [ ["A", "C", "D" ], ["E"] ]
B) [''E'']
C) [''D", "E"]
D) [ "A", "C, "D", "E" ]

The correct answer to this question is A.


The configuration of the processRecordsBatchJob is set to accept expressions which do not contain the value "b", which excludes this record from being processed.

In the record scope, the payload will be set to uppercase.

The batch aggregator is set to a size 3, which means that it will be triggered after each three records.

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