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Newest topic:Is Java necessary for Mulesoft?
Actual topic:Is Java necessary for Mulesoft?
Last message:Mehdi Franklin, Saturday, 16.5.2020 / 17:15
Level: Newbie / 7 posts
Posted: Thursday, 14.5.2020 / 21:04
Topic: Is Java necessary for Mulesoft?
I have been reading that no programming skills are necessary to do integration with Mulesoft tools. I must say that I consider that to be the biggest lie I have ever heard in my life
I would kindly ask someone to explain it to me, how do they think to achieve that?
Level: Newbie / 4 posts
Posted: Friday, 15.5.2020 / 12:03
Topic: Is Java necessary for Mulesoft?
Matteo wrote:
I have been reading that no programming skills are necessary to do integration with Mulesoft tools. I must say that I consider that to be the biggest lie I have ever heard in my life
I would kindly ask someone to explain it to me, how do they think to achieve that?
It depends what you are working on. Some more advanced things could be very tricky without Java.
Level: New hope / 45 posts
Title: Administrator
Posted: Friday, 15.5.2020 / 17:25
Topic: Is Java necessary for Mulesoft?
Someone who does not understand a concept of a variable, can not do anything with Mulesoft. It has nothing to do with Java being necessary or not. It has to do with a simple fact that a person that wants to do integration, simply HAS TO know at least some basics about programming. At least for now it is undoubtedly like that because what is DataWeave if not a form of a programming language?
Level: Newbie / 9 posts
Level: Newbie / 10 posts
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Is Java necessary for Mulesoft?
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Mehdi Franklin, Saturday, 16.5.2020 / 17:38
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Mule Palette in Anypoint Studio 6
Mehdi Franklin, Saturday, 16.5.2020 / 17:32
Mulesoft locked Help for non-registered users
Mehdi Franklin, Saturday, 16.5.2020 / 17:12
Mehdi Franklin, Saturday, 16.5.2020 / 17:24
Is Java necessary for Mulesoft?
Mehdi Franklin, Saturday, 16.5.2020 / 17:15
Edo Schatz, Friday, 15.5.2020 / 16:28
Non-technical users as a developers
APIAmeeth, Thursday, 1.9.2022 / 21:23
Experience with Mulesoft partner companies
Edo Schatz, Wednesday, 20.5.2020 / 18:18
Cologne Friends of Mulesoft Meetup
Edo Schatz, Friday, 17.1.2020 / 12:18
Anypoint Studio 7.4 on Windows
Mehdi Franklin, Saturday, 16.5.2020 / 17:16
Matteo, Friday, 3.7.2020 / 16:30
Matteo, Friday, 3.7.2020 / 16:30
Experience with Mulesoft partner companies
Edo Schatz, Wednesday, 20.5.2020 / 18:18
Is Java necessary for Mulesoft?
Mehdi Franklin, Saturday, 16.5.2020 / 17:15
Experience with Accenture France
Jay-Catalyst, Tuesday, 2.11.2021 / 10:48
Anypoint Studio 7.4 on Windows
Mehdi Franklin, Saturday, 16.5.2020 / 17:16
Non-technical users as a developers
APIAmeeth, Thursday, 1.9.2022 / 21:23
Mehdi Franklin, Saturday, 16.5.2020 / 17:24
How to format dates in Dataweave?
Edo Schatz, Thursday, 21.5.2020 / 13:50
Prices of Mulesoft Premium Connectors
Matteo, Friday, 3.7.2020 / 16:29
Cologne Friends of Mulesoft Meetup
Edo Schatz, Friday, 17.1.2020 / 12:18
Edo Schatz, Friday, 15.5.2020 / 16:28
Mulesoft locked Help for non-registered users
Mehdi Franklin, Saturday, 16.5.2020 / 17:12
Caio S Cavalcante, Friday, 22.5.2020 / 16:59
How to format numbers in Dataweave?
Edo Schatz, Monday, 18.5.2020 / 16:33
What is new in Anypoint Studio 7.5?
Edo Schatz, Thursday, 21.5.2020 / 11:29
Matteo, Friday, 3.7.2020 / 16:28
Mehdi Franklin, Saturday, 16.5.2020 / 17:38
Mule Palette in Anypoint Studio 6
Mehdi Franklin, Saturday, 16.5.2020 / 17:32